Monday, March 17, 2008

ugh sometimes i just have days when i just dont want to do church anymore. you ever have those days? i mean I'm all about Jesus, but its those crazy people that put me off. I jjust don't know... you know one of those days when you just pray constantly, need a good cry, and want to move to figi or somewhere with no one. ANd then just when you are about to pack all your stuff up there is peace, there comes good company, good laughs, peace from God, something just a bit uplifting happens, and you just know that it will be ok... You feel Him. And He speaks love.

i dunno, maybe i'm crazy but this is me. And all i have to say is the older i get the more i just want real people to surround me, honest and real.

1 comment:

steven hamilton said...

you sound like the apostle Paul...and i quote:

"you foolish galatians! who has bewitched you!?!"


"i told myself that i must not visit you again in painful circumstances. for i cause you pain, who else is there to gladden me, besides you, whom i caused pain? and i wrote this precisely so that i should not, viswiting you, be caused pain by those who ought to bring me joy;"


"...for one of their number, their own prophet, has said: 'Cretans are always liars, foul beasts, lazy gluttons.' That testimony is true. for this reason, confute them sharply, to make them grow healthy in faith...they confess that they know God, but in their acts they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unfit for any good work." would seem in communities of Christ, in this now-and-not-yet age, we will always live in the tension of witnessing the best and the worst of people being...well, just human. the best, most in-touch-with-Christ loving actions, as well as the broken, wounded, and bitter betrayals. it's the best and it sucks...ugh