Sunday, December 23, 2007

brain vomit

so i've just come to the realization that other people who write blogs, really put time into them. They spend time writing as if they were writing a paper of some sort. they edit, they think and it sounds amazing and put together. while i on the other hand do think about my blogs but i write them as they come pouring out of my brain onto the keyboard. no thinking of how it fits or if its grammatically correct. while i think both very important in paper writing. my blogs are in rawest form, my brain vomit so to speak.
yet i'm glad i've come to this conclusion because i was beginning to think everyone thinks so succinctly, and i on the other hand am just utterly a mess in my brain. feeling a little absent-minded professor-ish. But i like my blog as my brain vomit space as well as i like reading others well-thought out blogs, i'm just happy to know i'm not as crazy as i think.
not terribly interesting, but there it is my brain vomit.


marktristan said...

yours is the better kind to read :)
love and Christmas wishes,

pellucid said...

Hmm. Going with your metaphor of 'brain vomit', does that mean the posts of people who process their thoughts more than you have something more akin to a 'biological movement' going on? Perhaps the metaphor shouldn't stretch that far, eh?